Class of 2007

Laura Alvey, Architecture and Planning

- May 23, 2007

Laura Alvey: "You actually build things." (Abriel photo)

A competitive sailor in high school, the ocean was one of the things that drew Laura Alvey to study on the East Coast. That, and the excellent reputation of ±«ÓătvÕs Architecture and Planning program.

Originally from Calgary, Laura is now graduating with a Master of Architecture (First Professional) degree. She also has a Bachelor of Environmental Design Studies.

ÒArchitecture is very technical as a profession É you actually build things, but itÕs also a very creative field as well. I like that combination. It lets you see the world in a different way.”

One of the things she appreciated most about her program was the hands-on experience she received. ÒWe definitely get more direct experience in the field than other schools,” she says. She completed an exciting eight-month co-op term in London England, for example. She also took part in Òfree labs” as part of her program. These were hands-on building studios, one of which took place in New York.

Her London experience was so successful, she plans on moving there after taking the summer off Ð Òhopefully to sail again,” she says.