Galileo moments

- October 14, 2009

Galileo Galilei's invention of the telescope 400 years ago marked the birth of astronomy.

2009 has been named the International Year of Astronomy, marking the 400th anniversary of Galileo's first views through a telescope.

Throughout the year, the website for the International Year of Astronomy has been gathering "Galileo Moments," described as "engaging astronomy experiences." And next week, Professor Christine Wilson recounts her Galileo Moment—the discovery of the Comet Wilson—in the lecture, "Beyond the Visible Universe: Galaxy Collisons, Star Formation and Galactic Evolution." (The lecture takes place Friday, Oct. 23, 7:30 p.m. in the Guptill Theatre, Sir James Dunn Building. Weather permitting, there will be public observing after the lecture.)

What's your Galileo Moment—a time when you glanced up at the night sky with or without the aid of a telescope and saw something neat? Tell us about it.