'Fascinated with otherness'

Part of a series of stories profiling graduating students

- May 24, 2011

Haylan Jackson is graduating with a double major in Canadian Studies and History. (Danny Abriel Photo)
Haylan Jackson is graduating with a double major in Canadian Studies and History. (Danny Abriel Photo)

Until she came to ±«Óătv, Haylan Jackson never reflected much on the importance of her hometown of Inglis, Manitoba. Back home, all she wanted was a change. When her older sisters went west to university, she went east to experience something completely different.

“I came out here because I was fascinated with this otherness,” she says, referring to Nova Scotia’s distinct cultural identity. But when she got here, the east awoke in her a deep curiosity about her western identity. Suddenly, she stood out.

“When I came out here, I was different. I was the other,” says the student from a prairie town of 150 who’s graduating with a double major in Canadian Studies and History.

One day she found herself in a class looking at photos of the Inglis grain elevators projected on the wall. Her town boasts the largest standing row of grain elevators in Canada, she says; they’re a national historic site.

“There were my grain elevators up on the screen,” she says with a firm sense of ownership. The ones she grew up with – the ones she gave guided tours in – had followed her to the academic world.

“I was completely awestruck by that. From there, I realized that the West was cool, and Canada was cool, and we could be studied in an academic way. That’s how I got into Canadian Studies.”

Her professors encouraged her western perspective. In her last year, she finally wrote about her grain elevators. It was a passionate exploration of the effect their powerful symbolic presence has had on the western imagination. This summer, her research will be published in ±«Óătv’s first Canadian Studies journal.

She’s returning to big sky country with plans to teach Canadian history and literature in a high school. “I want to give students like me that same opportunity to say, ‘oh right, we’re important’,” she says, proudly.