News Archive
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Women In Research
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
The Government of Canada, through its COVID-19 Immunity Task Force (CITF), is supporting a new $1.9-million study in the Maritimes aimed at determining which health factors cause long-term care residents to experience severe COVID-19 outcomes, including death.
Research, Computer Science, Health and Human Performance, Health Professions, Women In Research, Community & Culture
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Theresa Tam recently took the time to send a personal thank you to Sherry Huybers, a faculty member in Dal's School of Health and Human Performance, for her work with Dal colleagues in creating a mini-course inspired by Dr. Tam's 2019 report addressing stigma in the health system.
Computer Science, Research, Women In Research
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
New research from ±«Óãtv is using artificial intelligence to analyze the public emotions expressed through millions of tweets across the globe and identify trends that could make a significant impact in this area.
Communications and Marketing
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Take a look back at all the animals featured on Pets of ±«Óãtv over the past month.
Arts and Social Sciences, News, Political Science
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Iain Rankin was sworn in as Nova Scotia’s new premier last week, setting into motion what is a rarely experienced chance at trial leadership without a general election. Dr. Pruysers explains the process and helps us understand the importance of some of Rankin’s early decisions.
Research, Science, Chemistry, Women In Research, News
Monday, March 1, 2021
Alison Thompson, Mark Stradiotto and Laura Turculet all received prestigious awards from the Canadian Society for Chemistry this year, recognition following on the heels of a string of other significant awards for the department last year.
Medicine, News
Monday, March 1, 2021
When the first doses of COVID-19 vaccine arrived in the province in December, Nova Scotians got an optimistic glimpse of life after the virus — with vaccination efforts made possible in part through the support of the Dal research community.
Community & Culture
Friday, February 26, 2021
Monique Thomas, community outreach and transition-to-university coordinator with Dal's Black Student Advising Centre, discusses the importance of Black representation, role models and community.
News, Senior Administration
Friday, February 26, 2021
In this week's column, Dr. Saini discusses the importance of kindness and compassion — for ourselves and others — in this prolonged virtual work environment.
News, Community & Culture
Friday, February 26, 2021
Wes Hall and Dahabo Ahmed-Omer of The BlackNorth Initiative delivered Dal's annual Shaar Shalom Lecture this week, offering profound perspectives on the history and modern impact of anti-Black racism in Canada as African Heritage Month draws to a close.