» Go to news mainCLT virtual drop‑in series
Come to our Winter 2025 virtual drop-in sessions to create a personalized support experience. Your needs and interests guide the direction of the sessions! Ask a CLT Senior Educational Developer questions, bounce ideas off a sounding board, and hear what others are doing in the classroom.
Join us online anytime during the two-hour window, and stay for as little or as much time as you would like! Registration is NOT required.
Each month has a broad theme:
Course Design: Tuesday, February 4, 10 a.m.–12 p.m.
Course Design: e.g., designing your PowerPoint slides for better student learning, engaging students, online teaching tips, and strategies for teaching large classes.
Student Assessments: Wednesday, March 5, 1–3 p.m.
Student Assessments: e.g., designing rubrics, assessing higher-order thinking with multiple choice questions, writing clear assessment instructions, providing effective feedback, alterative grading approaches, and making your assignments more creative and “Gen-Z friendly”!
Instructor Self-Development: Thursday, April 3, 11 a.m.–1 p.m.
Instructor Self-Development: e.g., instructor self-care and emotional labour, teaching dossiers, using SLEQ data to enhance your teaching, and debrief on your teaching experiences.
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