
On November, 13, 2013 Fish-WIKS visited Eskasoni to participate in a “Fish-WIKS Think Tank”. The meeting was an opportunity to discuss and discover research objectives from members of this Mi’kmaq community. In addition to the tv and UINR Fish-WIKS teams, two commercial Crane Cove Seafood fishing captains, Elder Albert Marshall, Thomas Johnson (Director of Eskasoni Fish and Wildlife), and facilitator Clifford Paul (UINR Moose Management Coordinator) were also present. We worked on building trusting relationships in order to share knowledge with each other and learned that both researchers and community had many objectives in common.


On a beautiful summer day, July 16, 2013, Lucia Fanning, Chris Milley, and Stephanie Boudreau of tv University traveled from Halifax to Eskasoni to take part in a meet and greet on the Bras d’Or Lakes organized by Fish-WIKS Community Liaison Coordinator, Tyson Paul, and Shelley Denny, Fish-WIKS Steering Committee member, both of the Unama’ki Institute of Natural Resources. Also on the voyage were Chief Leroy Denny, Elder Albert Marshall, Thomas Johnson (Executive Director of Eskasoni Fish and Wildlife Commission), and Charles Blaise Young (Eskasoni Band Councillor). A delicious lobster lunch, and plenty of fisheries knowledge, was shared onboard Eskasoni Cultural Journey’s vessel’l.


Lenita Denny’s winning artwork

As part of the community engagement strategy for the Project, a logo contest was initiated in each of the four regions. The logo will be based on a circular medicine wheel, with each of the four partner regions being represented in one quarter of the logo. The winning entry by Lenita Denny of Eskasoni is shown here.

The red ring around Mother Earth represents global warming and the effect it has on her.The feathers represent the importance of fish and wild life to our culture.

Lenita Dominique Denny is a 14 year old grade 8 student from Eskasoni. She enjoys art and music. Lenita plays the piano and is learning the drums and guitar. She is a member of the Canadian Life Saving Society where she has obtained her master swimming level, bronze star, bronze medallion, and bronze cross. Lenita also enjoys playing video games and hanging out with her friends.