Pacific Region

The Council was formed in 2007 by British Columbia First Nations as an outcome of the First Nations Fisheries Action Plan. The Council has seats for 14 Council Members, which reflect the regional diversity of the province as well as the diversity of First Nations expertise and perspectives.

The roles and responsibilities of the FNFC have grown dramatically over the past few years, and the current focus and direction of the organization is outlined in our 2012-2015 Strategic Plan. The next few years will be a period of transition for First Nations in Pacific fisheries as we advance our interests and respond to changing policy.

The chief focus of the FNFC is to develop governance mechanisms, form collaborative relationships among First Nations organizations, and work together to build a cohesive voice on fisheries matters. Working together will allow First Nations to harness the capacity needed for meaningful engagement and participation in integrated fisheries planning and management, and to inform political processes to generate substantive change on matters related to Pacific fisheries.

Ms. Aimee Arsenault, is the Fish-WIKS partner for the BC First Nations Fisheries Council.

Vancouver Island University (VIU), through its four campuses, 2,000-plus employees and thousands of graduates, is a major economic engine and an important asset operating in various communities of Vancouver Island and BC’s Sunshine Coast.  In addition to an annual injection of over 100 million dollars into the local economy through operational spending, VIU is adding value to communities in the areas of Aboriginal Engagement, Cultural Enrichment, Economic Development, Environmental Sustainability, Research Excellence and Social Development. The graduates of VIU’s more than 200 degree, diploma and certificate programs are shaping our world in extraordinary ways.

The academic partner for Fish-WIKS at Vancouver Island University is .