NS IHRIS Breakfast Panel at HLHL

NS IHRIS – or the Nova Scotia Integrated Health Research and Innovation Strategy – is a pan-provincial academic health research network supporting health research priorities of Nova Scotia and its member organizations. This is the first time the Nova Scotia government, health authorities, post-secondary institutions, industry and the public will bring their collective research and expertise to the table to help address key health issues. The Network will bridge the gap between academic researchers, health authorities, government, industry and key stakeholder groups to help put ideas into action. Join us to engage with several of the initiative’s leaders, hear their perspectives on the project and ask your questions about its development.

TheÌýNS IHRIS Breakfast is scheduled for Sept. 21 from 8:00am -9:30am. Conference delegates (single and full conference) as well as the public are welcome to join the breakfast. There is no charge to attend but we would ask you to register via to secure your seat. Ìý


Alice Aiken
Vice President Research
±«Óãtv University

Richard Florizone
±«Óãtv University


Denise Perret
Deputy Minister
Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness

Janet Knox
President & CEO
Nova Scotia Health Authority

Krista Jangaard
IWK Health Centre


Robert Summerby-Murray
Saint Mary's University (TBC)

