Current Opportunities


±«Óãtv University, Department of Biology

Postdoctoral position for the analysis of meta-omics samples collected in the Iceland Basin during a  mission in the fall of 2024.

The main objective of the postdoctoral position is to create and analyse an atlas of transcripts and proteins recovered from samples collected during shipboard nutrient bioassay experiments with natural phytoplankton and microbial communities. Researchers at ±«Óãtv University have recently established a new extraction procedure that recovers DNA, RNA and proteins from a single filter. This approach will be used to process samples collected during 7 experiments, designed to explore the factors that limit phytoplankton growth in the Iceland Basin. The collected -omics samples are extensive, and preliminary results indicate that iron availability was a factor controlling primary production in these high latitudes.

¶Ù³Ü³Ù¾±±ð²õ:ÌýThe candidate will be responsible for the processing and analysis of meta-omics samples collected on board the RV James Cook (UK). This will include refining the extraction of the DNA, RNA, protein from a single filter using a set of samples, specifically collected for this purpose. The successful candidate will be the contact person for the sequencing and analysis of DNA, RNA at an established facility. They will analyze data from metagenomics, metatranscriptomics and metaproteomics generated from the field experiments. They will disseminate results in appropriate formats in peer-reviewed publications and at conferences. They will be the main contact person between the PIs in the UK (Mark Moore, University of Southampton) and Canada (Julie LaRoche and Erin Bertrand, ±«Óãtv University). 

Desired qualifications: A PhD degree in a relevant field such as biology, microbiology, Oceanography, or chemistry at the time of the application is a minimum requirement for this position. Candidates should have completed their PhD degree no more than four to six years by the time they are applying for the position, considering eligible leaves (e.g. maternity, parental, medical, family medical, bereavement) during this time period. The applicant will have demonstrated skills in wet lab techniques and molecular biology such as PCR, DNA/RNA/protein extractions. Skills in bioinformatics, R programming and data visualization techniques is essential. The candidate should be willing to travel for training and attendance to conferences.

±«Óãtv the position: The position is initially for 2 years and the salary ranges is between 55,000 and 70,000 CAD/year and will be held at , Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada. There will be a possibility of extension to three years. Please send a CV and a letter of interest to Julie LaRoche ( An initial review of applicants will be made by January 5, 2025, and further application will be considered until the position is filled.

±«Óãtv University is committed to fostering a culture grounded in diversity and inclusiveness. Therefore, applications from all qualified candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our network are welcome.


We are always interested in engaging with potential honours, co-op, MSc students, PhD students, and postdocs.

Although we make every effort to post current job advertisments and grad student openings here, other new and emerging opportuntities may be available! If you are interested in applying for a position in the LaRoche lab for undergraduate honours research or graduate level research (or simply wanting to make a general inquiry about research positions in the lab), please send your CV, undergraduate transcripts and a short statement of interest to Dr. Julie LaRoche. It is helpful if you highlight any previous research experiences or general interest in the subjects of marine science, microbiology, and/or genetics. For potential postdocs, an up-to-date CV would be helpful when making general inquiries about opportunities in the lab.

Recent examples of graduate student projects advertised (but now filled) include: 
Marine microbes as recyclers
Detecting HAB in aquatic environments
Study of the controls of the biological carbon pump in the Labrador Sea and the NW Atlantic