Impact Ethics

Past Projects

In the past, Impact Ethics has contributed to a number of different research, advocacy, and leadership projects. These include projects on embryo transfer, the human genome, and neuroimaging. 

We have contributed to the following areas:

Public Health

The goal of public health is to improve the health and quality of life for a population. It encompasses a variety of methods from disease prevention to the promotion of healthy behaviours. Our public health research focuses on public health policy, specifically examining government responses to the H1N1 flu pandemic and the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).


Beyond research ethics, beyond the ethics of clinical care, lie questions about the transformations of human identity and society by current and emerging incursions into the brain. Neuroethics research at Impact Ethics has been funded through two CIHR grants: Therapeutic Hopes and Ethical Concerns (2005-2009) and States of Mind: Emerging Issues in Neuroethics (2006-2012). Our public education research has looked closely at deep brain stimulation (DBS), clinical stem-cell trials for spinal-cord injury patients, and clinical guidelines for brain death.

End-of-Life Care

Researchers at Impact Ethics have been engaged in research concerning every facet of end-of-life care, including euthanasia, assisted suicide, advanced directives, and palliative interventions. For more information, see the at ±«Óãtv University’s Health Law Institute, maintained by Impact Ethics team member Jocelyn Downie.

Vaccine Trial Participation

Researchers at Impact Ethics, in collaboration with the ,  conducted a study that generated much-needed data on the motivations of healthy participants in Phase I vaccine clinical trials.

Several blog posts on , , and can be found on our .