Shoaib Saleem

Research Assistant/Sessional Lecturer

Department of Engineering
Precision Agriculture Research Program
Faculty of Agriculture, ±«Óãtv University
Truro, NS, Canada    B2N 5E3
Phone: (902) 896-2424

Research Topics: Water quality, Environmental management, Precision agriculture, GPS-GIS-VRT, Computer programming 


  • M.Sc., (Agriculture), ±«Óãtv Univeristy, Canada
  • B.Sc., (Agr. Engineering), University of Agriculture, Faisalabad


Precision Agriculture, GPS/GIS, Sensor Development, Instrumentation, Machine Vision, Image Processing, Automation and Variable Rate Technologies


  • CSCI 0200/1000 (Computer Methods)


Peer-reviewed Articles

Saleem, S., Q. Zaman, A. Schumann, A. Madani, A. Farooque, and D. Percival. 2013. Impact of variable rate fertilization on groundwater contamination in wild blueberry cropping system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 29(2): 225-232.

Saleem, S., Q. Zaman, A. Schumann, A. Madani, D. Percival, and A. Farooque. 2013. Impact of variable rate fertilization on wild blueberry plant growth and fruit yield.  Applied Engineering in Agriculture. (In Press)

Saleem, S., Q. Zaman, A. Schumann, A. Madani, Y. Chang, and D. Percival. Impact of variable rate fertilization on nutrients losses in surface runoff for wild blueberry fields. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. In review (Manuscript ID SW-10346-2013).

Conference Papers

Saleem, S. R., Q. U. Zaman, H. N. Ahmad, A. A. Farooque, F. Khan, A. W. Schumann, A. Madani, and D. C. Percival. 2012. Impact of Variable Rate Fertilization on Nutrients Losses in Surface Runoff for Wild Blueberry Fields. In Proc. of 11th International, Conference on Precision Agriculture, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. Available online at: .

Saleem S. R., Q. U.  Zaman, A. W.  Schumann, A. Madani, D. C. Percival, A. A. Farooque, and F. S. Khan. 2011. Impact of variable rate fertilization on ground water contamination in wild blueberry cropping system. Annual Meeting ASABE, Louisville, Kentucky. August 7-10. Paper Number: 1110631

Saleem, S., Q. Zaman, A. Schumann, A. Madani, D. Percival, A. Farooque, and F. Khan. 2011. Impact of variable rate fertilization on nutrient runoff losses in wild blueberry fields. Plant Canada Conference, August 16-21, Halifax, Canada. Session SB415.

Saleem, S., Q. Zaman, A. Schumann, A. Madani, and D. Percival. 2010. Variable Rate Fertilization in Wild Blueberry Fields to Improve Crop Productivity and Reduce Environmental Impacts. Poster and oral presentation at Graduate Research Day, NSAC, Truro Nova Scotia Canada. April 20, 2010.

Abbas, A., Q. Zaman, G. R. Brewster, A. W. Schuman, R. Donald, and S. R. Saleem. 2013. Effect of split fertilizer application on ammonia volatilization losses in wild blueberry fields. Annual Meeting ASABE, Kansas City, Missouri. July 21-24.

Saleem, S. R., Q. Zaman, A. Schumann, A. Madani, D. Percival, and A. Farooque. 2013. Variable rate fertilizer application in wild blueberry fields: impacts on plant growth and yield. Annual Meeting ASABE, Kansas City, Missouri. July 21-24.

Farooque, A. A., Q. U. Zaman, A. Madani, A. W. Schumann, D. C. Percival, F. S. Khan and  S. R. Saleem. 2011. Delineation of Management Zones for Site-Specific Fertilization in Wild Blueberry Fields. Annual Meeting ASABE, Louisville, Kentucky. August 7-10. Paper Number: 1110630

Khan, F. S., Q. U. Zaman, A. W. Schumann, A. Madani, D. C. Percival, S. R. Saleem and A. A. Farooque.  2011. Mapping water table depths using electromagnetic induction methods to develop variable rate technologies. Annual Meeting ASABE, Louisville, Kentucky. August 7-10. Paper Number: 1110632

Farooque, A., Q. U. Zaman, A. Madani, D. Percival, A. Schumann, T. Esau, F. Khan, and S. Saleem and Y. Chang, 2011. Characterize and Quantify Soil Variability to Delineate Management Zones for Variable Rate Fertilization in Wild Blueberry Fields. Plant Canada Conference, August 16-21, Halifax, Canada. Session SB415.

Khan, F., Q. Zaman, A. Schumann, A. Madani, D. Percival, A. Farooque, and S. Saleem. 2011. Mapping Soil Properties Using Electromagnetic Induction Methods in Wild Blueberry. Plant Canada Conference, August 16-21, Halifax, Canada. Session SB415.