Why do your PhD in Classics at Dal?
The Department of Classics has on file a detailed description on the regulations for the PhD degree. All students should obtain a copy from the departmental office.
The Classics PhD degree consists essentially of
- work in the advanced seminars of the department in the candidate’s main field (the number and extent to be determined by the Supervisory Committee in consultation with the candidate);
- work in the seminars of the department in the minor field (the number and extent to be determined by the Supervisory Committee in consultation with the candidate); and
- a substantial and original thesis of value in the judgment of the department.
At the conclusion of his or her first academic year, each candidate’s record shall be reviewed by the department to determine his or her fitness to proceed with further studies.
Comprehensive (preliminary) examination
At least one year before the candidate presents himself or herself for the PhD degree he or she shall pass a comprehensive (preliminary) examination, which will be a written and oral examination in subjects relevant to the candidate’s thesis area and minor fields of study.