Application Checklist


For due dates, please go to Admissions & Funding.

Phase 1: Initial Eligibility Review

This first phase is to assess eligibility with a minimum requirement of documentation:

  • Complete the online application found on the Faculty of Graduate Studies website.  There is a $115 fee payable during the online application.
  • Submit electronic versions of the following documents to
    • Official transcripts from each of the post-secondary degree programs you have completed. Transcripts should be sent directly from the issuing institution via email or electronic file transfer.  Transcripts should include clear information on whether or not your masters degree is thesis-based.
    • An up-to-date curriculum vitae (C.V.)
      • If you hold a non-thesis-based Masters degree, your C.V. or cover letter should provide evidence of substantial, independent research experience, such as first-authored peer-reviewed papers in the research literature.  Submitted work as such evidence MAY be sent out for review by a relevant ±«Óãtv expert
    • Cover letter with research interest indicated
    • (If necessary) Original TOEFL scores.

*These documents establish that you are applying to the program and is the basis upon which the director will assess your eligibliity to proceed to a full application.  The director may, in some instances, seek addition materials or request a meeting.

Phase 2: Full Application

Once you have met the initial entrance requirements, we will contact you to request the following additional documents:

  • Three confidential academic reference letters submitted directly from referees who are familiar with your academic work.  Your academic references should be contacted directly by FGS using the contact information provided in your online application.  If you need to add/amend your academic references, please contact us.
  • Electronic versions of signed letters from your intended supervisor and committee members.
    • Strong letters will ideally indicate:
      • their familiarity with your intended research and how it aligns with their research interests,
      • the role, as supervisor or committee member, that they anticipate playing on your committee,
      • their previous experience in supervising PhD students, noting those that have completed their studies at ±«Óãtv already,
      • the contribution that they anticipate making to your research journey (e.g. guiding specific methods, providing insight into a research subject area, etc.)
      • the funding that they are able to commit to supporting you directly (e.g. as a stipend, as RA funding, etc.) and/or your research expenses,
      • other support that they are able to provide (e.g. access to data, software, desk space, etc.)
    • These letters should be submitted directly from each supervisor or committee member and be accompanied by a current copy of their CV.
  • The Statement of Interdisciplinary Research Interest (SIRI)
  • A Funding proposal. Funding is expected to be in place by the beginning of the first term of your program.

All documents should be in PDF format and delivered to

Meeting with the Director

During the application process, the IDPhD Program Director will request a meeting with you, either in person or virtually. This meeting is to ensure that any questions you may have about the application process are answered, and to make sure that you are prepared to undertake the largely independent research activity required of the IDPhD program.

Once all additional documents have been received and the meeting with the director has taken place, the IDPhD Admissions committee and the Faculty of Graduate Studies will determine your acceptance. You will receive a letter from FGS indicating its final decision.