Leisure Studies courses

A diverse program of study

The courses offered in the Master of Arts Leisure Studies program build on your knowledge and skills, while providing you with further opportunities to do in-depth research in an area of particular interest to you.

You will need to successfully complete a minimum of four graduate-level courses (equivalent to 12 credit hours) and a thesis (equivalent to 12 credit hours). On average, students can expect to take approximately 24 months of full-time work to complete the program. You may also take the program on a part-time basis.

Required courses

.03: Advanced Research Methods in the Social and Natural Sciences, or another three credit hour course that meets equivalent learning outcomes as LEIS 5501.03, as selected in consultation with the student’s supervisor and approved by the Graduate Coordinator.
.03: Interdisciplinary Basis of Leisure Science.
.00: Thesis. (considered equivalent to 12 credit hours)

Elective courses

.06/.03/.03: Independent Studies. Open to independent completion of study. Interested students should consult with the Graduate Coordinator prior to registering in the course.
.03: Program Planning and Evaluation in Health Promotion.
.03: Qualitative Research Methods.
.03: Marginalized Populations: Theoretical Insights and Applications.
.03: Introduction to the Science and Practice of Knowledge Translation.

N.B.: Not all courses are offered each year or each term. Please consult the for a list of the courses currently offered.