

COIL: A Collaborative Teaching Model-Leveraging Online Pedagogy for Global Engagement and Diverse Learning Experiences

Wednesday, September 25
11:30 am-12:30 pm
Online via Microsoft Teams

COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) is a teaching model that is primarily used for internationalization of academics. It has been broadly used by instructors who are (i) interested in expanding students’ intercultural and global perspectives (ii) keen on offering inclusive and digitally accessible learning experiences, and (iii) seek innovative teaching and learning experiences through diverse perspectives of knowledges and ways of knowing.  According to Jon Rubin who coined the term COIL in 2006 for virtual exchange educational programs, “in its most essential and typical form, COIL is a bilateral exchange and corresponding pedagogy, embedded into existing courses across two, or sometime more, institutions.”

A more holistic definition developed by Rubin (2021) is that “COIL utilizes the Internet to empower students and instructors around the world to develop curiosity, flexibility, and generosity in concert with their academic partners. This benefits two or more classrooms of collaborating students, usually located in different countries, who have had different life experiences. COIL is also a way for students and instructors to learn about their discipline from a new perspective and can be a method for engaging those with other experiences and perspectives about how this knowledge might be applied.”

In this 1-hour interactive introductory session, participants will be introduced to COIL as I respond to What, Why, and How questions you may have on your minds about COIL. Dr. Leanne Stevens (Faculty of Science) will be invited to share her initial thoughts on COIL as she plans to introduce the model for Faculty of Science as the Associate Dean Academic.


international, intercultural, inclusive, global


Dr. Leanne Stevens, University Teaching Fellow and Associate Dean Academic, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, Faculty of Science

Dr. Shazia Nawaz Awan, Educational Developer, Internationalization and Intercultural Competency, Centre for Learning and Teaching

Intended Audience

  • Faculty, Staff and Graduate Students who are interested in international and intercultural teaching and learning experiences
  • Open to all

