Program Requirements

Students who choose to participate in the Certificate Program will be required to fulfill four main components.

CUTL Components


The theory component will introduce participants to the scholarship of teaching and learning and provide an opportunity to read and discuss selected literature in the field. To complete this component participants may select one of two options:

Option 1 – Credit Course: Participants may enrol in a 0 credit-hour pass/fail course (CNLT 5000–Learning and Teaching in Higher Education) taught by CLT staff, during the Winter Term. There are no prerequisites for this course. The course will provide foundational knowledge about university teaching and learning, and assignments will enable participants to pursue their own teaching interests and/or discipline-specific concerns. Completion of this course will be noted on the participant’s university transcript.

Option 2 – Learning and Teaching Project: Participants may complete a project that will require them to engage in an in-depth study of a teaching issue of particular interest to them. Examples of possible projects might include: designing a course, creating an annotated collection of teaching resources in a discipline, or conducting an inquiry into some aspect of teaching and learning. Regardless of the specific nature of the project, students will be required to engage in a review and analysis of selected relevant literature (a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed publications should be referenced) and will also be required to disseminate their work in ways that may include: a presentation in the home department, a CLT workshop, a conference presentation, or a peer-reviewed journal publication.  

Participants wishing to pursue this Option should review the , and contact Nasim Tavassoli, PhD, Educational Developer (Student Development), Centre for Learning and Teaching (

Teaching Practice

The practice component will provide participants with an opportunity to implement acquired concepts, skills, and techniques; receive peer feedback; and reflect upon and revise their teaching practice. The completion of this component will depend on the participant’s discipline and circumstances, but in every case will include three interconnected components:

  1. Teaching experience: Participants will document a minimum of three class periods in which they were the primary instructor1 (e.g., teaching assistant, lab or studio instructor, lecturer).
  2. Reflection on teaching: A written pre-observation plan and subsequent 1-page self-reflection will be required for a minimum of 3 class periods.
  3. Feedback on their teaching: The participant will arrange to have a peer or a faculty member observe and assess their class and provide formative feedback on a minimum of three occasions. On at least one of these three occasions, the observation and feedback should be conducted by an experienced faculty member. An opportunity should be available following each observation for the participant to reflect on their teaching and to discuss the feedback provided with the observer.

Please visit our FAQ section to learn more about how to chose the appropriate classroom experience for your observation.

Successfully completing the Centre for Learning and Teaching’s Micro-teaching Program can count for a total of ONE teaching observation out of the three.

Professional Development

This open-choice component is designed to nurture the habit of continuing professional development by requiring participants to assess their own learning needs and to participate in a minimum of 20 hours of professional development workshops related to learning and teaching in higher education. Participants are encouraged to explore a wide variety of topics over an extended period of time to broaden their learning and teaching knowledge. 

Different types of professional development opportunities:

  • Participants can attend workshops offered by CLT, , other universities, discipline-specific or teaching conferences, or by their academic units. 
  • Participants can watch pre-recorded workshops offered by  (If you don’t have access to pre-recorded workshops, contact CUTL program coordinator), or other teaching and learning videos on YouTube (e.g. ), as well as listen to podcasts related to teaching and learning (e.g. ); Teaching in higher ed, etc.) for a maximum of 5 credit hours accumulated asynchronously.
  • If participants attend series of workshops and events (e.g. short courses, DCUTL conference, Community of Practice in Teaching, etc.), a maximum of 5 credit hours shall be applied to any one event. 
  • Participants may lead discussion groups or run workshops for CLT or their home departments for double-credit hours towards the completion of this component. 
  • Participants can also submit articles for the for credit hours towards this component.
  • Professional Development Reflections - Guiding Questions

Tracking professional development hours and writing reflections:

  • We recommend that participants organize the professional developments on a table including columns such as title of the session, name of the presenter(s) or the facilitator(s), date and time, and hours. 
  • Please keep a record of registration confirmations and submit them as part of your package. 
    • Please note that it is up to the participant to plan and track the professional development sessions they have completed. 
  • Participants should provide a one-paragraph reflection on each of their experiences that reflect their learning and how they might apply it in their teaching (e.g., what one or two key points did you take from this session? How will you use what you learned in your own teaching?). Professional Development Reflections - Guiding Questions.

Capstone: Teaching Dossier

Participants will create an 8-10 page teaching dossier supported by selected samples of evidence. The creation of a teaching dossier provides participants with an opportunity to reflect on their experience within the program and will allow them to document their teaching for the job search process.

CUTL Submission

All the required documents should be submitted as one pdf file in the submission folder called “CUTL Complete Submission” on the .Ěý

CUTL Program Coordinator will review your submission and provide you feedback within 14 days of submission.Ěý