Question Personalization

Question Personalization (QP) is the process whereby you have the opportunity to add specific questions to the SLEQ form. The purpose of these questions would be to gain more information from students to facilitate course or program development. The questions added by the department are course level questions and should not be about the instructor, instead, they should be about aspects for the course the instructor has no control over. For example, ask student what they thought about the physical space (classroom, lab …) orĚýask the students how they think the specific course fits in to the program as a whole.

A list of curated questionsĚýare available in the BLUE SLEQ system for instructors, departments and teaching assistants to select and use during question personalization. Please review the included list of questions now to help guide your next question personalization process.

Available For Instructors

Stimulation of Learning

  1. The instructor used a variety of engaging learning activities.
  2. The instructor helped me think independently about the subject matter.
  3. The instructor encouraged students to actively participate.
  4. The instructor provided opportunities for student questions during lectures.
  5. The instructor encouraged students to use knowledge from other courses to understand the class content.
  6. I regularly attended classes.
  7. The instructor respected diverse ways of learning.


  1. The textbook helped me understand course concepts.
  2. The course readings were integrated into the class topics.
  3. The instructor incorporated current developments in the field into the course.
  4. The instructor explicitly identified important points in the course.
  5. The course required the use of institutional resources (e.g. library, writing centre) to facilitate learning.
  6. The instructor made obvious connections between theory, practice, and research.
  7. Communication
  8. Expectations for learning in this course were clearly communicated.
  9. I was confident when submitting course work that I was meeting the instructor’s expectations.
  10. The course objectives were clearly identified.
  11. The instructor explained concepts clearly.
  12. Assessment instructions were clear and easy to understand.


  1. The instructor inspired my interest in the course.
  2. The instructor’s use of examples and illustrations helped to increase my interest.
  3. The instructor seemed genuinely interested in the course material.
  4. The instructor seemed to enjoy teaching.
  5. The instructor seemed genuinely interested in student learning.


  1. The grading expectations for course assignments, projects, papers, and/or tests were well defined and easy to understand.
  2. The instructor promoted mutual respect in their interactions with students.
  3. The instructor used different types of assessment methods.
  4. The instructor encouraged students to express their own ideas in the class.
  5. The instructor was open to different perspectives in class.
  6. The instructor incorporated different perspectives into their teaching.


  1. Feedback on course assignments contributed to my learning.
  2. My work was graded quickly, considering the size of the class.
  3. I was encouraged to learn from my mistakes in this course.
  4. I used the instructor’s feedback to improve my understanding of course content.
  5. I used the instructor’s feedback to improve my understanding of course expectations.

Concern for Learning

  1. I had many opportunities to demonstrate what I learned in this course.
  2. The instructor made themselves available outside of class (whether in person, by email, or online) for feedback and clarification.
  3. Considering the size of the class, the instructor was approachable for individual consultation.
  4. The instructor expressed interest in students’ approaches to learning (e.g. note-taking, study habits) throughout the course.
  5. The instructor encouraged students to be aware of their learning throughout the course.

Teaching Effectiveness

  1. As a result of this course, I have improved my speaking skills.
  2. As a result of this course, I have improved my writing skills.
  3. As a result of this course, I improved my presentation skills.
  4. As a result of this course, I improved my practical skills in the laboratory.
  5. The course provided instruction on how to conduct research in the discipline.
  6. I regularly consulted the course textbook.
  7. I regularly consulted the learning management system.
  8. The instructor used relevant and relatable examples when explaining course concepts.
  9. The course provided opportunity for “hands-on” experience in the form of research, case studies, or situations drawn from outside the university.
  10. I was stimulated to think about the world in new ways.
  11. The course provided instruction on how to formulate hypotheses.
  12. The course provided instruction on how to formulate research questions.
  13. The course provided instruction on how to evaluate research evidence.

Specific Course Components

  1. Course field trips improved my understanding of the course material.
  2. Course field trips were well-planned and organized.
  3. The fieldwork experience improved my understanding of the course material.
  4. The fieldwork experience was well planned and organized.
  5. The community-engaged learning improved my understanding of the discipline.
  6. Guest speakers enhanced the learning experience and made obvious connections to the course content.
  7. The classroom/lab was physically accessible.
  8. The physical facilities provided for this course were appropriate (e.g. classroom, furnishings, etc.).
  9. The clinical component contributed to my understanding of the course material.

Online Learning Environment

Communication with the instructor(s)Ěý

  1. The instructor’s online communication with students (discussion posts, email, announcements, video capture, etc.) was clear.
  2. The instructor’s use of the online environment assisted my understanding of the course material.
  3. The instructor provided clear and timely feedback that supported my learning.
  4. The instructor used inclusive language.
  5. The instructor cultivated a course community through the online environment.
  6. The instructor provided me with clear and timely instructions of what was expected of me as a student.
  7. The instructor clearly outlined, at the start of the course, the technology and resources required to succeed in this course.

ĚýCommunication with other studentsĚý

  1. The instructor encouraged online interaction with other students in the course.
  2. Online interactions with other students improved my understanding of the course material.
  3. Online collaboration with other students improved my understanding of the course material.
  4. There was a sense of course community through the online environment.

ĚýInteraction with the contentĚý

  1. The online environment was suited to my learning needs.Ěý
  2. The course provided me with clear instructions of what was expected of me.
  3. The course provided me with clear instructions of how to use the online environment.
  4. The content of the course was engaging.
  5. The structure of the content was logical.
  6. The activities clearly showed how to apply learned materials.
  7. The content was provided in more than one format.
  8. The content and materials were accessible (e.g. screen-reader compatible, captioning, file sizes weren’t too large for slow internet connection).

The content reflected diverse perspectives.

  1. The instructor’s presence in the online course supported and assisted in my learning.
  2. The course site was well organized, and I was able to access all of the instructional material that I needed.
  3. There was a sense of course community through the online environment.


  1. The instructor made efforts to include all students in the class.
  2. The instructor valued multiple student perspectives and approaches to learning.
  3. Students were given more than one option to demonstrate their learning.
  4. The instructor presented various ways and opportunities for students to demonstrate “class participation.”
  5. I felt personally respected, valued, and supported by the instructor.
  6. The instructor invited regular feedback from students regarding the learning environment.
  7. The instructor strived to create a respectful learning environment.
  8. The instructor made appropriate accommodations required for my learning.
  9. The instructor maintained high, yet attainable, expectations for all students.
  10. Then instructor made efforts to remove unnecessary barriers to student learning.
  11. I felt the instructor was invested in my success in the course.
  12. The instructor emphasized essential terms in writing (whiteboard, PPT slide handouts, etc.) and verbally.

Open ended

  1. Comment on to what degree and how your instructor made efforts to include you and/or other students in the course. This might include course content, materials, teaching strategies, assessment, class discussions, contact and/or support outside of the classroom, etc. [Inclusion] is an attitude and approach that embraces diversity and learner differences and promotes equal opportunities for all learners.
  2. Comment on how your instructor could improve upon developing an inclusive class. [Inclusion] is an attitude and approach that embraces diversity and learner differences and promotes equal opportunities for all learners.

Available For Teaching Assistants

  1. The teaching assistant drew attention to the skills required to understand the course material.
  2. The teaching assistant was receptive to different student learning needs.
  3. The teaching assistant was concerned with student understanding when explaining the course concepts.
  4. The teaching assistant was open to different perspectives.
  5. The teaching assistant encouraged student questions during tutorials/labs.
  6. The teaching assistant was available for student consultation, either through office visits or email.
  7. The support my teaching assistant provided in this course contributed to my learning.
  8. The teaching assistant’s feedback on course assignments, projects, papers, and/or tests improved my understanding of the course material.

Available For Departments

Open Ended

  1. How could this course be modified to make it more inclusive of all learners? [Inclusion is an attitude and approach that embraces diversity and learner differences and promotes equal opportunities for all learners.]
  2. What aspects of the classroom design (e.g., layout, desks/chairs, projector, blackboard) enhanced your learning?

Learning Environment

  1. The classroom environment supported my learning.
  2. The course respected diverse ways of learning.
  3. The classroom environment supported collaboration.
  4. I found this course intellectually stimulating.

General Learning Outcomes

  1. As a result of this course, I have improved my verbal communication skills.
  2. As a result of this course, I have improved my written communication skills.
  3. I learned skills that I will be able to apply beyond the course.
  4. This course improved my laboratory skills.
  5. I learned to critically evaluate scientific literature.
  6. The course developed my ability to interact with diverse groups of individuals.
  7. The course provided guidance on how to become a competent professional in my discipline.
  8. The course improved my ability to read and think critically.
  9. The course enhanced my ability to provide constructive feedback to others.
  10. The course helped me to consider the importance of ethics.

Course Content

  1. The course content matched the course objectives.
  2. I have learned and understood the subject matter in this course.
  3. Course materials were well prepared and carefully explained.
  4. The course was organized in a way that allowed me to build on previous skills I had learned in class.
  5. The course provided an appropriate balance between instruction and application.
  6. The content of the course was appropriate for the level of class.
  7. The course was organized in a way that enhanced my learning.
  8. The course assignments complemented the course lectures.
  9. The course work helped me understand concepts in the course more clearly.
  10. The laboratory work complimented my learning in class.
  11. The course enhanced my ability to apply theory to practice.
  12. The course provided me with the opportunity to think deeply about the course topics.
  13. The course enhanced my problem-solving skills.
  14. The course developed my ability to think critically about the subject.


  1. The course objectives were clearly identified.
  2. The instructor clearly communicated their expectations of my learning.
  3. The grading expectations for course assignments, projects, papers, and/or tests were made clear to students during class.
  4. The workload in this course was appropriate.
  5. The grading clearly evaluates learning outcomes.


  1. In general, the level of difficulty in this course was appropriate.
  2. Course topics were delivered with sufficient depth of content.


  1. In this course, I felt motivated to learn.
  2. As a result of this course, I have greater appreciation for this field of study.
  3. This course made an important contribution to my program of study.

Teaching Strategies

  1. The assignments were engaging.
  2. Students were invited to share their ideas and knowledge.
  3. The course materials (e.g., readings, lecture notes, in-class exercises) contributed to learning the subject matter.
  4. The use of teaching technology (e.g., Brightspace, panopto, audio-visual presentations, PowerPoint presentations, email) was effective and appropriate.
  5. The learning activities were integrated into the course in a way that enhanced my learning.
  6. Having a TA (or TAs) was essential to this course.

Assessment & Feedback

  1. The evaluation methods used in this course were fair and appropriate.
  2. Feedback on course assignments enhanced my learning.
  3. I received meaningful feedback on tests and other work.
  4. Methods of assessing student work were fair and appropriate.

Institutional resources & support

  1. The lab/classroom was physically accessible.
  2. The physical facilities provided for this course were appropriate (e.g., classroom, furnishings, etc.).
  3. The physical environment of the classroom enhanced my learning.
  4. The physical environment of the classroom helped to facilitate my learning.


  1. I felt represented in the course content and materials.
  2. This course had personal relevance.
  3. The course was organized to integrate content from diverse perspectives.
  4. This course developed my ability to think critically and detect biases when reading.
  5. This course helped me to examine ethical issues.
  6. The lab/classroom was physically accessible.
  7. Students were not excluded or disadvantaged by the use of technology.
  8. The department provided the necessary support for the instructor to make appropriate student accommodations.
  9. I felt comfortable sharing my ideas and knowledge.
  10. The course readings (e.g., PDFs, e-texts) were offered in an accessible format.
  11. The instructional materials (e.g., visuals) were presented in an accessible format.

Distance Learning

  1. I felt comfortable learning in distance compare in-person courses.
  2. Rate the availability of the instructor via email or online discussion.
  3. I spend more time on distance courses compare in-person courses.
  4. Did the e-learning unfold in a clear direction?

Requested by departments

  1. Once the pandemic is over and health restrictions are lifted, would you still be interested in taking some of your courses as online courses?
  2. which kinds of courses do you think are best suited to be online courses. Please select all that apply (max 3 selections)
  3. Once we return to in-person courses, are there any features of your online courses you would like to see preserved and integrated into the in-person courses?