

Organic Production of Sheep and Goats

Scientific Results


    • Livestock Science (2011) 141: 136-142
    • Small Ruminant Research (2010) 89: 102-109
    • Small Ruminant Research (2011) 100: 89-95

Breed selection and breeding

    • animal (2009) 3: 753-763
    • Meat Science (2012) 91: 499-505

Disease and parasite management

    • Journal of Animal Science (2010) 88: 1513-1521
    • Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2007) 3:11
    • Parasitology (2011) 138: 547-556
    • Parasite Immunology (2008) 30: 113-121
    • The Veterinary Quarterly (1987) 9: 97-102
    • Veterinary Parasitology (2010) 170: 244-252
    • Small Ruminant Research (2013) 112: 1-6
    • Canadian Journal of Animal Science (2014) 94: 1-9
    • Organic Eprints. 2012
  • Selection of tannins by sheep in response to gastrointestinal nematode infection
    • Journal of Animal Science (2010) 88: 2189-2198
    • Preventative Veterinary Medicine (2014) 117: 388-402
    • Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2007) 23: 19-29
    • Livestock Science (2015) 181: 108-113


    • Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2012) 92: 2870-2875
    • Small Ruminant Research (2012) 104: 122-128
    • Small Ruminant Research (2011) 98: 73-82

Grazing and pasture management

    • Soil and Tillage Research (2013) 134: 133-141
    • Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2016) 218: 141-149
    • Agronomy Journal (2015) 107: 104-112
    • Pedobiologia (2011) 54: 161-168

Meat quality

    • Carrefours de l'Innovation Agronomique (2009) 4: 289-296
    • animal (2011) 5: 2001-2009
    • Czech Journal of Food Science (2009) 27: 267-270
    • Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2012) 92: 2870-2875
    • Meat Science (2012) 91: 499-505


    • Animal Welfare (2013) 22: 385-400
    • Animal Welfare (2010) 19: 55-59
    • Animal Welfare (2012) 21: 535-545
    • Animal Welfare (2012) 21: 547-558
    • Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2011) 135: 179-191

Practical Results

General resources

    • Natural Systems Agriculture. 2010
    • Natural Systems Agriculture. 2011

    • ATTRA. 2010

    • eOrganic. 2015


    • eOrganic. 2016
    • eOrganic. 2016

Health and welfare

    • ATTRA. 2014
  • [PDF - 102 kB]
    • OACC. 2007
  • [PDF - 156 kB]
    • Animal Welfare Task Force. 2009
  • [PDF - 5.5 MB]
  • [PDF - 321 kB]
    • Animal Welfare Task Force. 2009
  • Ìý
    • Organic-Vet
  • [PDF - 232 kB]
    • Animal Welfare Task Force. 2009
    • ATTRA. 2015
  • [PDF - 178 kB]
    • Animal Welfare Task Force. 2009
  • [PDF - 141 kB]
    • Animal Welfare Task Force. 2009
    • CORE Organic/PrOPara. 2016
  • [PDF - 2.6 MB]
    • University of Guelph. 2012
    • Midwest Organic & Sustainable Education Service. 2015
  • [PDF - 238 kB]
    • LowInputBreeds. 2014
  • [PDF - 893 kB]
    • FiBL. 2010
    • ATTRA. 2015

For more information about Organic Science Cluster research on organic sheep production, please see the following Research Activities: