Volume XXXV (December 2017)

Tim Riggs - The Light of Truth: The Role of the Good in Human Cognition in Late Ancient Platonism

Olivier Boulnois - What is Freedom?

Wayne J. Hankey - Augustine’s Trinitarian Cosmos

Elizabeth King - Response to “Augustine’s Trinitarian Cosmos”

Michael Harrington - The Divine Name of Wisdom In the Dionysian Commentary Tradition

Wayne J. Hankey - The Conversion of God in Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae: Being’s Trinitarian and Incarnational Self-disclosure

Evan King - Unum necessarium: Meister Eckhart, the Ground and Theology in the Vernacular

Nathan McAllister - Response to “Unum necessarium: Meister Eckhart, The Ground and the Theology in the Vernacular”
