Brigid Garvey
University Teaching Fellow; Undergraduate Advisor; Language Coordinator;

Phone: 902-494-1095
Fax: 902-494-2719
Mailing Address:
Office: 3048 McCain
Halifax, NS
B3H 4R2
Brigid Garvey is well into the third decade of teaching in ±«Óătv's German Department; already in 2004 she received the FASS Award for Excellence in Teaching. She discovered German in high school, but also pursued interests in Classics (BA Hons Classics & German), Fine Arts and Art History (part-time at NSCAD) and folk music. She spent three summers doing graduate studies at the Institut fĂĽr Deutsch als Fremdsprachenphilologie of the Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg, Germany, before taking up the role of Senior Instructor at ±«Óătv. Language teaching continues to be a consuming passion, complemented by a love for literature and poetry. This year she's excited to be able to offer 'German Folk and Fairy Tales' in addition to the language classes.