

LAWS 2117 ‑ Education Law


The purposes of the course include assessing the relation between law and government policy; breaking down the barriers between different disciplines; evaluating the impact of the Charter in a discrete setting and considering the links between law and values in Canadian society. The course will be offered in seminar form with discussion as the norm. There may be some guest lecturers and student presentations. The course will be broad in scope and useful to students who do not intend to directly pursue a career related to education, as well as those who do. Without limiting the instructor, the kinds of topics which might be covered include the following: judicializing education, jurisdiction over schools, the impact of the Charter , discipline and enforcing rules, schools as microcosms of society; and the limits of rights discourse. The impact of the Charter equality provisions on the field of education will also be an important theme. While there will be a high profile Charter component to the course, there will also be an examination of administrative law issues, collective bargaining concerns, negligence and denominational school structures. There will be specifically assigned readings for each course and general course materials.

Assessment Method: This is a seminar class evaluated primarily by major paper.