

H. Archibald Kaiser

Professor of Law; Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine (cross-appointment)


Email: archie.kaiser@dal.ca
Phone: 902-494-1003
Mailing Address: 
Room 421, Weldon Law Building, 6061 University Avenue
PO Box 15000 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4R2
Research Topics:
  • Criminal Law and Procedure
  • Mental Disability


  • BA (±«Óătv)
  • LLB (±«Óătv)
  • LLM (London)

Bar admissions

  • Nova Scotia, 1977


Professor Kaiser has taught law at ±«Óătv since 1979 and has also offered Legal Issues in Psychiatry, in the Residency Training Program at the Department of Psychiatry, since 1995. His current Law School courses include:

  • Criminal Justice: The Individual and the State ()
  • Criminal Procedure ()
  • Mental Disability Law: Civil ()
  • Mental Disability Law: Criminal (; offered in 2017/2018)

Professor Kaiser has previously taught General Jurisprudence, Contracts, Poverty Law, and various competitive moots. He also participates in continuing judicial and bar education conferences, as well as public legal-education events.

Areas of supervision: Criminal Law and Procedure & Mental Disability Law: Civil and Criminal

Selected awards & honours

  • ±«Óătv Law Alumni Teaching Award, 2006-07
  • Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal, 2002, for service to persons with mental health problems
  • Recipient of the Graduating Class Ring, 1999

Selected publications

  • H. Archibald Kaiser, "Mozzei: Constrained Progress in Construing Review Board Powers" (2006) 36 C.R. 37.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, "A Disappointing Look at the Future of Canadian Policing by the Law Commission" (2006) 52 CLQ 112.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, "Beaudry: New Impetus Towards Equality in Law Enforcement" (2007) 44 C.R. 125.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, “The Criminalization of People with Mental Health Problems: Struggling Towards More Effective Responses" and "Effecting Change: A Range of Possible Local Initiatives to Address the Criminalization of People with Mental Health Problems" (2007) 25(2) The Society Record 25.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, "Reasons to Be Skeptical ±«Óătv Creating or Cautious ±«Óătv Implementing Mental Health Courts in Nova Scotia" (2008) 3(4) The Blue Horse Chronicles 1.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, Book Review of Mental Health and Canadian Society; Historical Perspectives by James E. Moran & David Wright, eds, (2008) 16(3) Health Law Review 79.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, "L.M: A Hard Case Makes For Bad Sentencing Law” (2008) 56 C.R. 323.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, "McNeil: A Welcome Clarification and Extension of Disclosure Principles" & "The adversary system has lingered on" (2009) 62 C.R. 36.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, "Patrick: Protecting Canadians' Privacy Interest in Garbage; 'a step too far' for the Supreme Court" (2009) 64 C.R. 30.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, "Should a person be allowed to refuse psychiatric treatment?" (2009) SZ Magazine 23.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, "Expanding the Boundaries of Research Involving Death and Near Death When Liberty is Attenuated" (2010) 25(1) Justice Report 12.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, "Lois en matière de santĂ© mentale au Canada: reconnaĂ®tre et rectifier une situation problĂ©matique" (2009) XXXIV 2 SantĂ© mentale au QuĂ©bec 75.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, "Lois en matière de santĂ© mentale au Canada: accĂ©lĂ©rer la rĂ©orientation du navire de l'État (2009) XXXIV 2 SantĂ© mentale au QuĂ©bec 93.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, "Canadian Mental Health Law: The Slow Process of Redirecting the Ship of State" (2009) 17 Health LJ 139.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, "Nasogaluak: Foregone Opportunities in an Unduly Restrained Sentencing Decision" (2010) 72(1) C.R. 29.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, "Conway: A Bittersweet Victory for Not Criminally Responsible Accused” (2010) 75(2) C.R. 1.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, "Too Good To Be True: Second Thoughts on the Proliferation of Mental Health Counts", (2010) 29(2) Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, “Cornell: A Divided Court Accords Too Much Latitude to the Police – 'Canada is not a police state'" (2010) 76 C.R. 263.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, “Gomboc: The Supreme Court Weakens the Search Warrant Requirement and Facilitates Police Investigations Again" (2011) 79 C.R. 245.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, “Canadian Prisoners with Mental Health Problems, The Promise (and Limits) of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” (2011) 32(1) Health L Can 1.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, “Bouchard-Lebrun: Unduly Limiting Toxic Psychosis and Reigniting the Dangerous Intoxication Debate” (2012) 89 C.R. 68.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, "The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Beginning to Examine the Implications for Canadian Lawyers’ Professional Responsibilities" (2012) 20(2) Health Law Review 26.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, “Law and Psychiatry in the Age of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” in Hy Bloom & Richard D. Schneider, eds, Law and Mental Disorder: A Comprehensive and Practical Approach (Irwin Law: 2013) 1,333.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, “Ryan: A Troubling and Doctrinally Meandering Case Sets the Stage for the Law Reform Process and an Independent Inquiry” (2013) 98 Criminal Reports 261.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, “Babos: Further Narrowing Access to a Stay of Proceedings Where the Integrity of the Judicial Process Is Implicated” (2014) 8 Criminal Reports 59.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, “Hart: More Positive Steps Needed to Rein In Mr. Big Undercover Operations” (2014) 12 Criminal Reports 304.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, “Mack: Mr. Big Receives an Undeserved Reprieve, Recommended Jury Instructions Are Too Weak” (2014) 13 Criminal Reports 251.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, â€śAdvocating for Persons with Mental Health Problems: Living Up to the Challenges of the Twenty-First Century” in Jennifer Chandler & Colleen M. Flood, eds, Law and Mind: Mental Health Law and Policy in Canada (2016) 253.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, “A Partial Ceasefire in Canada’s War on Drugs? Reflections on the Impending Legalization of Marijuana” (2016) 63 Crim LQ 367.
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, "At the mercy of the state", Chronicle Herald (25 September 2015).
  • H. Archibald Kaiser, "Time to throw out incompetency act", Chronicle Herald (22 December 2015).

Service & activity

Professor Kaiser's community service activities have included memberships on Boards of Directors or other forms of support for:

  • Canadian Mental Health Association, Nova Scotia Division
  • Mental Health Commission of Canada, Mental Health and the Law Advisory Committee
  • People First Nova Scotia
  • Canadian Association of Independent Schools

Professor Kaiser also provides regular media contributions in the form of interviews, editorials, or letters concerning criminal law and mental disability law.