» Go to news mainKUDOS! NSBS welcomes 62 new lawyers
The Nova Scotia Barristers' Society welcomed 62 new members to the Bar today during a ceremony at the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21. Of them, 42 are graduates of the Schulich School of Law. We extend our warmest congratulations to each of you!
2017 Admittees
Sarah Baddeley
John Boudreau
Marina Bruggeman
Thiago Buchert
Chika Chiekwe
Karl Clancey
Theron Davis
Lisa Delaney
Sophie DeViller
Kristin Dobrosky
Charlotte Edwards
Hanna Garson
Katie Giacomantonio
Ria Guidone
Laura Hanusiak
Andrew Hill
Morgan Knickle-Smith
Brandon Knill
David Lasaga
David Luther
Grace MacCormick
Christina Macdonald
Mary Anne MacDonald
Billy MacMillan
Katrin MacPhee
Drew MacQuarrie
Simon McCormick
Adam McCulley
Will Milne
Thomas Morehouse
Genna Murphy
Liza Myers
Angela Simmonds
John Snow
Justin Song
Paul Wadden
Kyle Williams
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