
The Basin and Reservoir Research Lab is multi-disciplinary. Professor Wach uses a research approach based on integrated, multi-disciplinary research themes:

  • Basin and Field Analysis and Stratigraphy
  • Outcrop Analogs, Core Studies, Geologic and Reservoir Modelling
  • Reservoir Characterization and Provenance Studies
  • Source Rock Characterization and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation
  • Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS)

Learn more about our research.

Environment, Society, and Geoscience

  • Visit our Sustainable Energy Research webpage for more information about our environmental research
  • Hosted the 2023 Carbon Neutrality Forum 
  • Lobbied and initiated the first environmental geoscience award to recognize excellence in research and presentation for the Atlantic Universities Geologic Conference (AUGC), 2015
  • Completed the first comprehensive overview of basins suitable for the storage of CO2 gas, 2014
  • Hosted the first public screening in Canada of the movie "Switch" - a comprehensive review of energy challenges facing the world, 2014

Meet the Team

Led by Professor Grant Wach, our research team applies industry standard technology to research problems in basin analysis, reservoir prediction, characterization and modelling.

Recent Publications

In the Basin and Reservoir Lab, we aim to publish high quality research in internationally recognized peer-reviewed journals and international conferences.

Current Operations 

We are currently in the process of being certified by My Green Lab, the worldwide standard for labratory sustainability best practices. Along with energy retrofits in our newly renovated lab, we have created sustainability guidelines for all lab members to follow in order to upkeep our commitments to reduce resource consumption and align with sustainability goals within the Department of Earth and Environmental Science and ±«Óãtv University as a whole. As much of our research and teaching commitments focus on the environment and sustainability as it relates to geoscience, we want to lead by example by recieving a certification for sustainability efforts and upkeeping our pledge.

The Basin and Reservoir Lab is recently underwent massive renovations to our lab facilities, finishing up late Spring 2023. As we had minimal access to our typical technologies, softwares, and spaces, during that time, we are finally starting to ramp up research activities again and look forward to participating in future projects with industry, academia, and governmental connections. 

In keeping with the and ±«Óãtv University's health and safety guidelines, much of our operations had been taking place remotely to help stop the spread of COVID-19 since early 2020. Through video conferencing software, email, and other forms of communication, we were able to continue conducting collaborative research and have created an online community. While ±«Óãtv campus is now open with no mandatory guidelines in place regarding the spread of illnesses, we continue to support general health and safety initiatives and aim to keep our campus community in good health. 

What's Happening

Professor Grant Wach and Research Assistant Lauren Morris visited Rocky Lake Junior High School in March to present to four groups of eager 7th graders on the Joggins Fossil Cliffs as part of their Geology module. Students were lectured on sedimentary rocks and processes of deposition, the formation of coal and history of coal mining, and of course all about the fossils found at Joggins! Our many thanks to RLJH teacher Wanda Grandy for reaching out and inviting us to speak, and to Rob Raeside and the Atlantic Geoscience Society for providing brochures for the students to take home. 

The first Carbon Neutrality Forum presented at ±«Óãtv thanks to funding from NRCan took place April 19th & 20th in 2023 to a group of delegates from around the province, country, and the globe. Visit the Carbon Neutrality Forum webpage on our Sustainable Energy Research site for a recap of the forum events and more information.Â