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Resilient Classroom Series

Posted by Centre for Learning and Teaching on January 30, 2025 in General Announcements

Facilitated by Daniella Sieukaran, Senior Educational Developer (Curriculum), with the Centre for Learning and Teaching.  These are stand-alone events but are best experienced as a series: each focuses on a different aspect of student resilience.

Fostering Academic Tenacity and Buoyancy in Students

Wednesday, February 26
1–2 p.m.
Killam Library, Room B400 (basement)

You will learn: 

  • What academic tenacity and buoyancy are, and key characteristics and behaviours of academically tenacious and buoyant students. 
  • How academic tenacity and buoyancy can benefit students.
  • How you can foster academic tenacity through methods such as scaffolding, encouraging growth mindsets, helping students set goals, and cultivating a sense of belonging. 
  • How you can promote academic buoyancy through the five Cs: confidence, coordination, control, composure, and commitment. 

The Emotionally Intelligent Educator

Thursday, March 20
10–11 a.m.
Killam Library, B400 (basement)

You will learn: 

  • What emotional intelligence is and its main competencies, such as self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills. 
  • How emotional intelligence can benefit students and instructors. 
  • Your own personal EQ score.
  • How you can use “emotional data” to build stronger connections and inform decision-making.
  • Strategies to enhance EQ in yourself and your students. 

Gen Z in the Classroom

Tuesday, April 22, 2025
10–11 a.m.
Killam Library, B400 (basement)

You will learn:

  • Common characteristics and learning preferences of Gen Z students.
  • Strategies to adapt your course design and assessments to better support and teach Gen Z students.