Our continuously evolving curriculum is designed to meet the changing needs of industry and keep up to date with emerging technologies now, and in the future. Through our innovative courses, you will learn from faculty from across disciplines and work in teams with peers from a diverse range of backgrounds.
Regardless of the certificate you choose, all MDI students take a similar core curriculum and have the option to get first-hand experience in industry through an internship, or do a research thesis.
Most full-time students will take 4 terms to complete the Master of Digital Innovation in the following sequence.
Students must meet theircertificaterequirements through a combination of certificate courses and elective options.
A typical course schedule follows this outline:
Term 1
Two of the following, determined by the certificate outlined in your admission letter:
Plus one electiveor certificate course.
Term 2
ʱܲtwo elective or certificate courses.
Term 3
Internship in industryThesis
Term 4
ʱܲtwo electiveor certificate courses.
Choose your specialization
Certificate in Digital Business

Combine courses in Computer Science, Management, and Law and become a digital leader who can work in any industry or sector. Explore the Certificate in Digital Business
Certificate in Health Informatics

Draw from Computer Science, Medicine, Health and Business to learn how to develop and use technology to create a better healthcare system. Explore the Certificate in Health Informatics
Certificate in Data Science

Courses in Computer Science, Statistics and Management will teach you to implement an array of data science/statistics methods, models, and tools in any business. Explore the Certificate in Data Science
We understand that planning too far into the future right now can be challenging. We also understand that you are eager to develop your skills, knowledge and experience through the Master of Digital Innovation (MDI). With that in mind, we have developed an option that enables you to obtain a Certificate in the event that you are unable to complete your full MDI program for whatever reason. Learn more about a Certificate in the Foundations of Digital Innovation.