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Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada
Faculty of Agriculture
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Organic Science Cluster
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Faculty of Agriculture
Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada
Field Crops
No-or Low-Till Organic
Reduced Tillage, No‑Till and Low‑Till in Organic Production
Soils and Fertility
Field Crops
Cereals and Grains
Row Crops
No-or Low-Till Organic
Crop Rotation
Pest Management
Season Extension
Seed Production and Plant Breeding
Ecology and Environment
Nutrition, Safety and Health of Organic Foods
Post-harvest Handling, Storage and Processing
Social Science
Marketing and Economics
Transition to Organic
Canadian Organic Research Priorities
Practical Resources
eOrganic. 2013
[PDF - 1.5 MB]
Rodale Institute. 2014
Rodale Institute. 2008
eOrganic. 2014
Natural Systems Agriculture. 2013
Rodale Institute. 2003
eOrganic. 2012
eOrganic. 2014
Natural Systems Agriculture and OrganicBiz. 2016
Rodale Institute. 2012
[PDF - 270 kB]
OACC. 2008
Iowa State University
eOrganic. 2013
Organic Eprints. 2015
Rodale Institute. 2017
USDA Agricultural Research Service. 2013
Organic Farming Magazine. 2014
eOrganic. 2012
eOrganic. 2013
eOrganic. 2010
Scientific Results
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (2010) 34: 483-503
Agronomy Journal (2011) 103: 879-889
Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2014) 94: 193-201
Soil and Tillage Research (2010) 110: 42-50
Agronomy Journal (2016) Online, ahead of print
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2012) 27: 21-30
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2012) 27: 31-40
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2016) 31: 166-171
Agriculture (2017) 7(4): 34
Agronomy Journal (2017) 109: 272-282
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2015) 213: 131-141
Weed Science (2014) 62: 501-511
Agriculture (2017) 7(5): 44
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2012) 27: 7-11
Soil and Tillage Research (2009) 104: 207-214
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2010) 25: 296-308
Soil Use and Management (2008) 25: 1-10
Applied Soil Ecology (2010) 46: 103-110
Organic Eprints. 2005
Sustainability (2013) 5: 3876-3894
Weed Science (2011) 59: 438-444
European Journal of Agronomy (2015) 65: 83-94
Weed Technology (2013) 27: 204-211
Soil and Tillage Research (2014) 143: 145-154
Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2014) 94: 1507-1511
Weed Technology (2017) 31: 536-549
Weed Technology (2017) 31: 320-329
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2012) 27: 68-80
Sustainability (2013) 5: 3172-3201
Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2011) 91: 1071-1076
Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2015) 35: 967-974
Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2015) 35: 339-346
Agronomy Journal (2013) 105: 745-754
Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2017) 97: 1-5
American Journal of Alternative Agriculture (1995) 10: 157-162
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2009) 24:165-173
Agronomy Journal (2011) 103: 1578-1590
Organic Eprints. 2005
HortTechnology (1999) 9: 373-379
Applied Soil Ecology (2016) 103: 22-30
Agriculture (2017) 7(4): 33
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (2010) 34: 836-849
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2012) 27: 49-59
Agriculture (2017) 7(4): 36
Biological Agriculture & Horticulture (2013) 29: 236-243
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2012) 27: 12-20
Agronomy Journal (2011) 103: 1169-1179
Weed Technology (2013) 27: 193-203
Agriculture (2017) 7(5): 42
Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2016) 96: 59-71
Agronomy Journal (2007) 99: 1297-1305
Organic Eprints. 2014
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2012) 27: 60-67
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems (2011) 89: 71-79
Soil and Tillage Research (2011) 111: 133-141
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2015) 30: 270-279
Agronomy Journal (2012) 104: 621-628
Weed Science (2017) 56: 426-439
Weed Science (2011) 59: 224-231
HortScience (2011) 46: 387-395
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (2014) 38: 748-763
Agronomy Journal (2014) 106: 1193-1204
Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2016) 36: 22
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2014) 29: 92-99
Weed Research (2011) 51: 413-421
Agronomy Journal (2008) 100: 591-599
American Journal of Alternative Agriculture (2003) 18: 37-45
Organic Eprints. 2012
Weed Science (2014) 62: 125-137
Organic Eprints. 2011
Organic Agriculture (2013) 3: 149-161
Organic Agriculture (2014) 4: 1-13
Agronomy Journal (2011) 103: 51-59
For more information about Organic Science Cluster research on organic low-till production, please see the following Research Activities:
OSCII Activity A.5: Impacts of reduced tillage and diversified cropping sequences under organic management in the semi-arid Brown Soil Zone
OSC Activity B.4
Low-tillage grain production systems that suppress weeds and minimize tillage