General resources on organic cereal and grain production
Practical Resources
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- University of Saskatchewan. 2005
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- University of Saskatchewan. 2005
- [PDF - 254 kB]
- University of Saskatchewan. 2005
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 2012
- [PDF - 86 kB]
- [PDF - 134 kB]
- [PDF - 46 kB]
- Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives. 2016
- [PDF - 143 kB]
- [PDF - 1.7 MB]
- Natural Systems Agriculture. 2016
- Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture.
- Prairie Organic Grain Initiative. Updated monthly
- [PDF - 714 kB]
- University of Minnesota. 2010
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 2012
- [PDF - 4.6 MB]
- Montana State University Extension. 2010
- [PDF - 204 kB]
- [PDF - 333 kB]
- [PDF - 219 kB]
- [PDF - 1.0 MB]
Scientific Results
- American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2017) 532-545
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2010) 30: 237-269
- European Journal of Agronomy (2011) 34: 83-95
- Crop Protection (2017) 98: 16-23
- Environmental Entomology (2010) 39: 775-786
- Weed Research (2015) 55: 493-502
- Agricultural Systems (2018) 162:89-96
- Canadian Journal of Soil Science (2017) 97:692-702
- Grass and Forage Science (1992) 47: 366-374
- Weed Research (2015) 55: 239-248
- Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2018) 251: 141-148
- Sustainability (2010) 2: 1016-1034
- Weed Technology (2010) 24: 108-116
- European Journal of Agronomy (2009) 30: 119-128
Resources for organic production of specific grain and cereal crops
For more information about Organic Science Cluster research on organic cereal production, please see the following Research Activities: