Organic Production of Ornamentals, Potted Plants and Cuttings
Scientific Results
- Acta Horticulturae (2008) 779: 79-84
- Compost Science & Utilization (2002) 10: 92-98
- HortScience (2011) 46: 610-615
- Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2013) 93: 1217-1227
- HortScience (2009) 44: 1622-1627
- HortScience (2009) 44: 1698-1703
- HortTechnology (2012) 22: 817-825
- HortTechnology (2009) 19: 743-747
- HortScience (2013) 48: 637-644
- Acta Horticulturae (2008) 801 : 367-372.
- Scientia Horticulturae (2007) 112: 191-199
For more information about Organic Science Cluster research on organic production of ornamental plants, please see the following Research Activities: