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International and national awards

As a leading research-intensive university, ±«Óãtv takes great pride in the significant scholarly contributions made by its faculty across a wide range of disciplines.

The Order of Canada

Presented by the Governor General of Canada, the Order is the cornerstone of the Canada's honours system, recognizing a lifetime of outstanding achievement, dedication to the community, and service to the nation.Ìý

Dr. Kenneth Rockwood, Faculty of Medicine

Richard Kroeker, Faculty of Architecture & Planning

Brian G. MacKay-Lyons, Faculty of Architecture & Planning

Dr. Mary Brooks, Faculty of Management

Dr. Patricia Livingston, Faculty of Medicine

Dr. Allan S. MacDonald, Faculty of Medicine

Dr. Jeff Dahn, Faculty of Science Ìý

Dr. Kenneth Wilson, Faculty of Medicine

Dr. Noni McDonald, Faculty of Health Ìý
Dr. Jocelyn Downie , Faculty of law

Dr. Francoise Baylis, Faculty of Medicine

Dr. Mary Anne White , Faculty of ScienceÌý

Dr. Fred Wien, School of Social WorkÌý

Dr. Susan Sherwin, Department of Arts and Social Sciences

The Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering

This medal recognizes research contributions characterized by both excellence and influence.Ìý It is awarded to an individual who has demonstrated sustained excellence and influence in research, for a body of work conducted in Canada that has substantially advanced the natural sciences or engineering fields.

Dr. Jeff Dahn, Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science

Dr. Axel Becke, Department of Chemistry

2013 Ìý
Dr. Ford Doolittle, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

The Governor General's Innovation Awards

The purpose of the Governor General’s Innovation Awards is to inspire Canadians to embrace innovation and to support innovative, entrepreneurial risk-takers who have developed new or better ways of creating value and who are having a meaningful impact on our quality of life.

Dr. Mark Stradiotto, Faculty of Science

Dr. James Robar, Faculty of Medicine & Faculty of Science

Dr. Patrick McGrath and Dr. Patricia Lingley-Pottie, Faculty of Medicine

Dr. Jeff Dahn, Faculty of Science

Royal Society of Canada

As Canada’s senior national academy, the RSC exists to promote Canadian research and scholarly accomplishment in both of Canada’s official languages, to mentor young scholars and artists, to recognize academic and artistic excellence, and to advise governments, non-governmental organizations, and Canadians generally on matters of public interest.

This Fellowship is awarded to recognize outstanding contributions to the natural and social sciences, in the Arts and in the Humanities.

Dr. Mark Stradiotto, Academy of Science

Dr. Krista Kesselring, Academy of the Arts and Humanities

Dr. John Archibald, Academy of Science

Dr. Christine Chambers, Academy of Social Sciences

Dr. John Crowley, Academy of the Arts and Humanities


Dr. Julie LaRoche, Academy of Science

Dr. Noni MacDonald, Academy of Science

Dr. Boris Worm, Academy of Science

Dr. Leonard Diepeveen, Academy of the Arts & Humanities

Prof. Jennifer Llewellyn, Academy of Social Sciences

Dr. Douglas Wallace, Academy of Science

Dr. Janice Graham, Academy of Social Sciences

Dr. Sara Iverson, Academy of Science

Dr. Marlon Lewis, Academy of Science

Dr. Ian Meinertzhagen, Academy of Science

Dr. Sherry Stewart, Academy of Social Sciences

Dr. Michael Ungar, Academy of Social Sciences

Dr. Julia Wright, Academy of the Arts and Humanities

Prof. Richard Devlin, Academy of Social Sciences

Dr. Jeffrey Hutchings, Academy of Science

Dr. Kenneth Frank, Academy of Science

Dr. Thomas J. Marrie, Academy of Science

Dr. Mary Anne White, Academy of Science

Dr. John Cullen, Academy of Science

Dr. Andrew Roger, Academy of Science

Dr. Bernard Boudreau, Academy of Science

Dr. Raymond Klein, Academy of Social Sciences

Dr. Jocelyn Downie, Academy of Social Sciences

Dr. Harold Robertson, Academy of Science

Dr. Francoise Baylis, Academy of the Arts and Humanities

Dr. James Drummond, Academy of Science

Dr. Jeff Dahn, Academy of Science

Dr. Axel Becke, Academy of Science

Dr. John Edwards, Academy of Social Sciences

Dr. Benjamin Rusak, Academy of Science

Dr. Susan Sherwin, Academy of the Arts and Humanities

Dr. Manfred Jericho, Academy of Science

Dr. Michael Gray, Academy of Science

Dr. Anthony Bowen, Academy of Science

Dr. Friedrich Gaede, Academy of the Arts and Humanities

Dr. Patrick McGrath, Academy of Social Sciences

Dr. John Fraser, Academy of the Arts and Humanities

Dr. Hans Kreuzer, Academy of Science

Dr. W. Doolittle, Academy of Science

Dr. Judith Fingard, Academy of the Arts and Humanities

Dr. D.J. Wallace Geldart, Academy of Science

Dr. Brian Hall, Academy of Science

Dr. John Flint, Academy of the Arts and Humanities

Dr. Denis Stairs, Academy of Social Sciences

Dr. Peter Fillmore, Academy of Science

Dr. Howard Clark, Academy of Science

Dr. James Eayrs, Academy of Social Sciences

The College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists is Canada’s first national system of multidisciplinary recognition for the emerging generation of Canadian intellectual leadership.Ìý Members are those who, at an early stage in their career, haveÌýdemonstrated a high level of achievement.

±«Óãtv University College Members:


Dr. Kate Sherren, Faculty of ScienceÌýÌýÌý


Dr. Stefanie Colombo, Faculty of Agriculture


Dr. Karen Foster, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr. Aaron MacNeil, Faculty of Science


Dr. Lisa Binkley, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr. Mita Dasog, Faculty of Science
Dr. Noreen Kamal, Faculty of Engineering
Dr. Debbie Martin, Faculty of Health


Dr. Hélène Deacon, Faculty of Science
Dr. Rita Orji, Faculty of Computer Science

Dr. Elaine Craig, Faculty of Law
Prof. Shauntay Grant, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr. Matthew Herder, Faculties of Medicine and Law


Dr. Anna MacLeod, Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Sean Myles, Faculty of Agriculture
Dr. Natalie Rosen, Faculty of Science


Dr. Marsha Campbell-Yeo, School of Nursing

Dr. John Archibald, Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Jennifer Bain, Fountain School of Performing Arts
Dr. Rudolf Uher, Faculty of Medicine

Dr. Christine Chambers, Faculty of Science
Dr. Chike Jeffers, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr. Krista Kesselring, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr. Alice Aiken (Queen's University), Vice President Research

Dr. Roberta Barker, Fountain School of Performing Arts
Dr. Randall Martin, Faculty of Science

Royal Society of Canada McNeil Medal

The McNeil Medal is intended to highlight the important role that science plays within our society and to encourage the communication of science to students and the public.Ìý

(2016)ÌýDr. Francoise Baylis, Faculty of Medicine

(2007)ÌýDr. Mary Anne White, Faculty of Science

Royal Society of Canada Henry Marshall Tory Medal

Established in 1941, the Henry Marshall Tory Medal is awarded for outstanding research in a branch of astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, physics or an allied science.

(2019) Dr. Jeff Dahn,ÌýFaculty of Science

Royal Society of Canada McLaughlin Medal

Established in 1978, the McLaughlin Medal is awarded for important research of sustained excellence in any branch of medical sciences.

(2019) Dr. Ford Doolittle, Faculty of Medicine

Royal Society of Canada Rutherford Memorial Medal in Chemistry

Established in 1978, the McLaughlin Medal is awarded for important research of sustained excellence in any branch of medical sciences.

(2020)ÌýDr. Erin Johnson,ÌýFaculty of Science

The J.B. Tyrrell Historical Medal

The J.B. Tyrrell Historical MedalÌýis awarded for outstanding work in the history of Canada. The gold plated silver medal is offered every two years if there is a suitable candidate.

(2022)ÌýDr.ÌýAfua Cooper, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Canadian Academy of Health Sciences

The Canadian Academy of Health Sciences brings together Canada’s top-ranked health and biomedical scientists and scholars to make a positive impact on the urgent health concerns of Canadians.

These Fellows, drawn from all disciplines across our nation’s universities, healthcare and research institutes, evaluate Canada’s most complex health challenges and recommend strategic, actionable solutions.

Dr. Susan Kirkland (Faculty of Medicine)

Dr. Christine Chambers (Faculties of Science and Medicine)

Dr. Joanne Langley, (Faculty of Medicine)

Dr. David Anderson (Faculty of Medicine)

Dr. Françoise Baylis (Faculty of Medicine)

Dr. Robert Bortolussi (Faculty of Medicine)

Dr. Sultan Darvesh (Faculty of Medicine)

Dr. Jocelyn Downie (Faculty of Law)

Dr. Michael Dunbar (Faculty of Medicine)

Dr. Janice Graham (Faculty of Medicine)

Dr. Jean Gray (Faculty of Medicine)

Dr. Scott Halperin (Faculty of Medicine)

Dr. Lois Jackson (Faculty of Health)

Dr. Gerry Johnston (Faculty of Medicine)

Dr. Nuala Kenny (Faculty of Medicine)

Dr. Stan Kutcher (Faculty of Medicine)

Dr. Noni MacDonald (Faculty of Medicine)

Dr. Chris McMaster (Faculty of Medicine)

Dr. Karen Mann (Faculty of Medicine)

Dr. Jean Marshall (Faculty of Medicine)

Dr. Patrick McGrath (Faculty of Medicine)

Dr. T. Jock Murray (Faculty of Medicine)

Dr. Kenneth Rockwood (Faculty of Medicine)

Dr. Ingrid Sketris (Faculty of Medicine)

Dr. Sherry Stewart (Faculty of Medicine)

Canadian Academy of Engineering

The Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE) comprises many of the country’s most accomplished engineers, who have expressed their dedication to the application of science and engineering principles in the interests of the country and its enterprises.

Fellows of the Academy are nominated and elected by their peers, in view of their distinguished achievements and career-long service to the engineering profession. Fellows work closely with the other national engineering associations in Canada, and with the other Canadian academies that comprise .

Dr. Graham Gagnon (Department of Civil and Resource Engineering)

Dr. Paul Amyotte (Department of Process Engineering and Applied Science)

Dr. Zhizhang (David) Chen (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)

Dr. Gordon Fenton (Department of Engineering Mathematics and Internetworking)

Dr. Jason Gu (School of Biomedical Engineering)

Dr. Joshua Leon (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)Ìý

Dr. John Newhook (Faculty of Engineering)

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For more information about research awards and prizes please contactÌý