Organic Corn Production
Practical Resources
- Organic Seed Alliance. 2014
- [PDF - 294 kB]
- Ontario Ministry of Food and Agriculture. 2014
- [PDF - 848 kB]
- University of Minnesota. 2010
- Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. 2012
Scientific Results
- Agronomy Journal (2004) 96:1288-1298
- European Journal of Agronomy (2013) 47: 55-64
- Euphytica (2015) 205: 219-230
- Environmental Entomology (2014) 43: 1264-1274
- Agriculture (2017) 7(4): 34
- Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2014) 189: 229-239
- Field Crops Research (2012) 127: 9-16
- HortTechnology (2012) 22: 37-43
- Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (2013) 37: 915-932
- HortTechnology (2012) 22: 25-36
- Weed Technology (2010) 24: 544-550
- Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2014) 34: 841-848
- Plant and Soil (2010) 328: 507-521
- Organic Agriculture (2013) 3: 141-147
- Agronomy Journal (2006) 98: 1204-1212
- Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (2007) 120: 442-448
- Weed Science (2018) 66:94-108
- Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (1998) 11: 51-58
- American Journal of Alternative Agriculture (1990): 5: 4-12
- Agronomy Journal (2016) 108: 1155-1167
- Agronomy Journal (2016) 108: 758-769
- Weed Science (2015) 63: 461-476
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2013) 28: 59-69
- Agronomy Journal (2011) 103: 1578-1590
- Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (2010) 34: 836-849
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2012) 27: 49-59
- Agronomy Journal (2016) 108: 1992-2002
- Weed Technology (2012) 26: 793-799
- Crop Protection (2015) 72: 22-30
- Sustainability (2015) 7: 5139-5152
- Agronomy Journal (2012) 104: 621-628
- Soil and Tillage Research (2014) 139: 37-45
- Pedobiologia (2012) 55: 343-347
- Agronomy Journal (2017) 109: 2214-2222
- Agronomy Journal (1995) 87: 1063-1069
- Weed Science (2018) 66:109-120
- Weed Science (2015) 63: 477-490
- Field Crops Research (2010) 118: 282-288
- Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (2012) 27: 180-191
- Weed Technology (2016) 30: 648-654
For more information about Organic Science Cluster research on organic corn production, please see the following Research Activities: