As of January 1, 2024
Senate Discipline Committee (SDC)
Yassine El Hiani, Faculty of Medicine (2022-2025)
Sara Kirk, Faculty of Health (2019-2025) - On sabbatical Jan 1, 2025- June 30, 2025
Catherine Gunn, Faculty of Health (2022-2025)Ìý
Lord Abbey, Faculty of Agriculture (2023-2026)Ìý
Nayha Acharya, Faculty of Law (2022-2025) - On sabbatical Jul 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Roberta Barker, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (2021-2024)Ìý
Susan Holmes, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (2022-2024)Ìý
- Markus Sharaput, Faculty of Management (2022-2025)
- Jure Gantar, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences (2024-2025)Ìý
Nicholas D'Entremont, DSU representative (2024-2025)
Michelle Paguia, DSU representative (Winter 2025)
Patricia Doiron, DSU representative (2024-2025)
Arman Chamanfar, DSU representative (2024-2025)
- Alanah Ellsworth, DSU representative (2024-2025)
- Kirsten Dika, DSU representative (2024-2025)
- John Grant, DSU representative (2024-2025)
Senate Appeals Committee (SAC)
- Alex Brodsky (Chair), Faculty of Computer Science (2019-2025) - On sabbatical from July 2024 - June 2025
- Corey DeGagne, Faculty of Computer Science (2024-2027)
- Cassandra Hanrahan, Faculty of Health (2022-2025)ÌýÌý
- Sergey Ponomarenko, Faculty of Engineering (2023-2026)
- Patrice Côté, Faculty of Science (2023-2026)
- Eric Rapaport, Faculty of Architecture and Planning (2022-2025)Ìý
- VACANT, Schulich School of Law (2018-2024)Ìý
- Tanya Cook, Faculty of Dentistry (2023-2026)Ìý
- Ruben Zaiotti, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (2023-2026)ÌýÌý
- Yassine El Hiani, Faculty of Medicine (2022-2025)Ìý
- Rebecca Meagher, Faculty of Agriculture (2023-2026)
- VACANT, Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development (2022-2025)ÌýÌý
- VACANT, Senator/Faculty of Management
- Mariam Knakriah, DSU representativeÌý(2024-2025)
- Nicole Dupere, DSU representative (2024-2025)
Senate Academic Programs and Research Committee (SAPRC)
- Sachin Seth, committee chair and senate vice-chair (academic programs), Faculty of Dentistry (2024-2027)
- Louise Spiteri, chair of Senate, Faculty of Management (2021-2025)Ìý
- Wanda Costen, provost and vice-president, academic (or designate, Leslie Phillmore, associate vice-president, academic)Ìý
- Graham Gagnon, vice-president, research and innovation (or designate Jennifer Bain, associate vice-president, research)
- Ben Tait, Centre for learning and Teaching
- Ifeyinwa Mbakogu, Faculty of Health (2022-2025)
- Hany El Naggar, Faculty of Engineering (2020-2026)
- Pierre-Luc Michaud, Faculty of Dentistry (2024-2027)
- Heidi Weigand, Faculty of Management (2024-2027)
- Turgay Akay, Faculty of Medicine (2024-2027)
- VACANT, Faculty of Architecture and Planning
- Tasha Richard, Faculty of Agriculture (2023-2026)
- Vincent Simedoh, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (2020-2026)
- Joanna Erdman, Schulich School of Law (2020-2026)
- Megan Bailey, Faculty of Science (2024-2027)
- Samer Lahoud, Faculty of Computer Science (2024-2027)
- VACANT, Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development
- Nick d’Entremont, DSU representative (2024-2025)
- VACANT, DSU representative (2023-2024)
- Michael Vandenburg, dean of Libraries
- Dian Patterson, Agriculture, associate dean, academic (as recommended by ADAC)
- Mark Filliagi Faculty of Dentistry, associate dean, research (as recommended by Dal Research Advisory Committee)
- Theresa Rajack-Talley, vice-provost, equity and inclusion (or designate,
- Barbara Hamilton-Hinch, assistant vice-provost equity and inclusion)
- John Hope,general counsel & university secretary
- Judith Ng'ethe, associate secretary of Senate
- Courtney Sutton, academic quality assurance manager
- Ben Tait, Executive Director, Centre for Learning and Teaching
- VACANT, DSU student representative
SAPRC Research Subcommittee
- Jennifer Bain (chair), associate vice-president, research
- Ifeyinwa Mbakogu, Faculty of Health (2023-2026)
- Michael Vandenburg, dean of Libraries (2022-2025)
- Megan Bailey, Faculty of Science (2024-2027)
- Ghada Koleilat, research chair, Faculty of Engineering (2016-2023)Ìý
- Nur Zincir-Heywood, research chair, Faculty of Computer Science (2022-2025)
- Eileen Denovan-Wright, Medicine (2021-2027)
- Matthew Numer, Faculty of Health (2022-2025)
- VACANT,Ìýgraduate student in research-based program
- Judith Ng'ethe, associate secretary of Senate
SAPRC Undergraduate Academic Programs Subcommittee (UAPSC)
- Leslie Phillmore (Chair), associate vice-president, academic
- Adam Donaldson, Faculty of Graduate Studies
- Patricia Laws, Faculty of Science (2021-2025)
- Tasha Richard, (2025-2026)
- Lindsay Dubois, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
- Leanne Stevens, Faculty of Science
- Christian Blouin, Faculty of Computer Science
- Marion Brown, Faculty of Health
- Darrell Doman, Faculty of Engineering
- Daniella Sieukaran
- Jeena Goyal, DSU undergraduate representative
- Gillian Nickerson, DSU graduate representative
- Adam Robertson
- Judith Ng'ethe, associate secretary, Senate
- Lori Lawton, (Acting) academic quality assurance manager
Senate Learning and Teaching Committee (SLTC)
- Maria Pacurar committee chair and Senate vice-chair (Student Affairs), Faculty of Management (2020-2026)
- Louise Spiteri, chair of Senate, Faculty of Management (2015-2025)
- Wanda Costen, acting provost and vice-president, academic
Ìý (or designate, Leslie Phillmore, associate vice-president academic) - Michael Vandenburg, dean of Libraries (2022-2027)
- Raghav Sampangi, Faculty of Computer Science (2023-2026)
- Nadine Ezzeddine, Faculty of Health (2024-2027)
- Debra Grantham, Faculty of Science (2024-2027)
- David Black, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (2023-2026)
- Clifton Johnston, Faculty of Engineering (2021-2025)
- VACANT, Faculty of Management
- Eshan Arora, DSU representative (2024-2025)
- Nick d’Entremont, DSU representative (2024-2025)
- John Hope, General Counsel & University Secretary
- Judith Ng'ethe, associate secretary of Senate
- Rick Ezekiel, vice-provost, student affairs
- Adam Robertson, registrar
- Bob Mann, manager, discipline and appeals
- Ben Tait, Executive Director, Centre for Learning and Teaching
- Theresa Rajack-Talley, provost, equity and inclusion (or designate, Barbara Hamilton-Hinch, assistant vice-provost, equity and inclusion)
- Marty Leonard, Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies
- Mariam Knakriah, DSU representative (2024-2025)
e-Learning Advisory Committee
- Maria Pacurar committee chair and Senate vice-chair (Student Affairs), Faculty of Management (2020-2026)
- Marc Comeau, University Libraries
- Heather Fraser, Information Technology Services
- Suzanne Sheffield, Centre for Learning and Teaching
- Michael Vandenburg, University Libraries
- Ian Tayler, Information Technology
- Jennifer Van Dommelen, Faculty of Science
- Colin Conrad, Faculty of Management
- Ayesha Mushtaq, Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development
- Karen Gallant, Faculty of Health
- Divjot Kaur, DSU representative (2023-2024)
- John Hope, general counsel & university secretary (or designate, Judith Ng’ethe, associate secretary of Senate)
SLTC Academic Integrity Subcommittee (AISC)
- Maria Pacurar, subcommittee chair and Senate vice-chair (Student Affairs), Faculty of Management (2020-2026)
- Christian Blouin, Faculty of Computer Science (2022-2025)
- Carla Heggie, Faculty of Management (2022-2025)
- Mindy McCarville, Faculty of Science (2022-2025)
- Daniel McClay (2023-2024)
- Kassandra Kelbatowski (2023-2024)
- VACANT, ±«Óãtv Student Advocacy Service
- Leslie Phillmore, associate vice-president, academic
- Adam Christie (2022-2025)
- Ayesha Mushtaq (2022-2025)
- Les Tyler Johnson (2022-2025)
- Jillian MacDonald (2022-2025)
- Justin Fox (2022-2025)
- Janice Eddinton (2022-2025)
- VACANT (2022-2025)
- Joyline Makani (2022-2025)
- Susan Holmes (2022-2025)
Senate Nominating Committee (SNC)
- Shelley McKibbon (Chair), University Libraries (2021-2027)
- Niki Kiepek, Faculty of Health (2023-2026)
- Steve Couglan, Schulich School of Law (2025-2027)
- Shelley McKibbon, University Libraries (2021-2024)
- Carolan McLarney,ÌýFaculty of Management (2023-2026)
- Ajay Parasram, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences (2024-2027)
- Rebecca Meagher, Faculty of Agriculture (2024-2027)
- Israat Haque, Faculty of Computer Science
- VACANT, Faculty of Medicine
- VACANT, Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development
- VACANT, Faculty of Architecture & Planning
- VACANT, Faculty of Engineering
- VACANT, Faculty of Science
- Charlotte Milley, DSU representative
Senate Planning and Governance Committee (SPGC)
- Louise Spiteri, committee chair and chair of Senate Faculty of Management (2021-2025)
- Sachin Seth, Senate vice-chair (academic programs), Faculty of Dentistry (2024-2027)
- Maria Pacurar, Senate vice-chair (student affairs), Faculty of Management (2020-2026)
- Kim Brooks, president and vice chancellor
- Marty Leonard, acting provost and vice-president, academic
- Pierre-Luc Michaud, Faculty of Dentistry (2014-2027)
- Tara Perrot, Faculty of Science (2022-2025)
- Michael Fournier, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (2024-2025)
- Gabriela Ilie, Faculty of Medicine (2024-2027)
- Niki Kiepek, Faculty of Health (2023-2026)
- Tasha Richard, Faculty of Agriculture (2024-2025)
- Jamie Blustein, Faculty of Computer Science (2024-2025)
- VACANT, Faculty of Engineering
- Mariam Knakriah, DSU representative (2024-2025)
- Satyam Behl, DSU representative (2024-2025)
- John Hope, General Counsel & University Secretary
- Judith Ng'ethe, associate secretary of Senate
- Theresa Rajack-Talley, vice-provost, equity and inclusion (or designate, Barbara Hamilton-Hinch, assistant vice-provost, equity and inclusion)
- Leslie Phillmore, associate vice-president, academic (or designate)
Senate Honorary Degrees Committee (SHDC)
- Kim Brooks, committee chair, university president and vice chancellor
- Rustum Southwell, university chancellor
- Sachin Seth, Senate vice-chair (academic programs), Faculty of Dentistry (2024-2027)
- Mariam Knakriah, DSU president (2024-2025)
- Carolan McLarney, Faculty of Management (2023-2026)
- Jin Yue, Faculty of Agriculture (2021-2027)
- Leah Sarson, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (2023-2026)
- Isabel Mello, Faculty of Dentistry (2020-2026)
- Kirill Rosen, Faculty of Medicine (2020-2026)
- Archibald Kaiser, Schulich School of Law (2024-2027)
- Niall Savage Faculty of Architecture & Planning (2023-2026)
- Sara Ross,ÌýSchulich School of Law (2022-2025)
- Michael Vandenburg, University Libraries (2023-2026)
- Robert Beiko, Faculty of Computer Science (2024-2027)
- Yulia Kotlyarova, Faculty of Science (2024-2027)
- VACANT, Faculty of Engineering
- VACANT, Open Learning and Career Development
- Eshan Arora, DSU (2024-2025)
- Shona Kinley (2025-2028)
- Cheryl Fraser (2023-2026)
- Alisha Brown-Fagan (2020-2026)